1. CString to const char*


CString strText = _T("myStirng");
const char* ccText;
ccText = (CStringA)strText;




2. const char* to CString

const char* ccText = "myString";
CString strText;
ccText = (CString)strText;







/** creates a Unique Identifer in uid and returns uid.

 *  uid must be at least 65 bytes. Care is taken to make sure

 *  that the generated UID is 64 characters or less.

 *  If a prefix string is not passed as the second argument a

 *  default of SITE_INSTANCE_UID_ROOT (see below) will be used.

 *  Otherwise the supplied prefix string will appear at the beginning

 *  of uid.

 *  The UID is created by appending to the prefix the following:

 *       the host id (if obtainable, zero otherwise),

 *       the process id (if obtainable, zero otherwise),

 *       the system calendar time, and

 *       an accumulating counter for tis process.

 *  @param uid pointer to buffer of 65 or more characters in which the UID is returned

 *  @param prefix prefix for UID creation

 *  @return pointer to UID, identical to uid parameter


DCMTK_DCMDATA_EXPORT char *dcmGenerateUniqueIdentifier ( char *uid, const char* prefix = NULL );

#include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcuid.h"


char *uid = NULL;




CString strTest = _T("Test");

const char *pTest = (CStringA)strTest;

CStirng strTest2 = (CString)pTest;


유니코드의 경우 아래의 방법을 참조.

CString -> char*

CString str = _T("권오철");

 char *buffer = new char[str.GetLength()];




delete buffer;


String -> char*

char ch[100];

strcpy(ch,(LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)"나는 누구인가?");

CString -> BYTE

BYTE msgProxy.byData;

CString strText = _T("ㅇㅇㅇ");

memcpy(msgProxy.byData,T2CA(strText), nLen);

BYTE byBuffer[100];

CString strText = _T("DDD");


  m_SocketManager.WriteComm( byBuffer, nLen, INFINITE);


char * -> CString

CString str = (LPCTSTR)(LPSTR)char *  // 이방법은 좋지 않다 .. 글씨가 깨진다

char getMessage[100] = "나는 천재인가";

 CString strMessage;


출처 : https://blog.naver.com/sharp57/60117786558


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